JOIN The League... be the COMMUNITY!
If you like the Lore content and the podcast episodes then think about becoming a League Member by donating either casually or as a recurring sponsor. Your support guaranties more content will come and a faster pace. Thank you for thinking about sponsoring me through Liberapay.
Liberapay instead of Patreon ?
What is this blasphemy? Liberapay works just like Patreon, but doesn't take a large cut of the money you donate. They are a non-profit organisation with an open source platform. They only asks me to sponsor them using their own system when I am receiving sponsors.
Power to the people!​
How to Use Liberapay?
Choose one of my Tiers as listed on the pages under Join
Click on the yellow button that says Donate
Read the 'How to Donate section'.
Click the Yellow Donate button.
Click CUSTOM and write the correct amount and click per month time as listed on my Tiers pages.
Choose automatic or manual renewal
Choose Public or Private
Under the Donate button you can also change the currency (I allow a few).
Click the Blue Donate Button and done.
You can influence the next Lore video by donating to a certain Project Meter. After donation, just let me know which project you would like to sponsor. When a a meter reaches a certain threshold (around the 250 euro mark), I will make haste to make it. Oh, and of course I will then bless your dice for a whole year! If only eh? Everyone knows my sorcerer powers only work on my dice ;-)
If you enjoy my work but do not have any coin to spare, simply like my videos, leave a comment and share it on another platform or amongst your group. That is already support enough for me!