
​- Welcome to the League Community! You unlocked Silver membership. -
Your contribution helps keep the community thriving and growing. Your generosity makes a real difference, and I am excited to have you on this journey with me! Plus, you’ll always have a place to connect with like-minded adventurers!
Extra Benefits:
>> Project meter:
Add your contribution to any project of your choice or to an already created meter.
See the 'Project Meter' page to see what is already available.
Send me a note when you donate and I will make sure the meters are adjusted.
​​​​>> Community - LEAGUE TAVERN:
Your travels bring you to the private 'League Tavern’:
Discord channel​
Permanent access, even if you drop to Casual.
Chat with likeminded people
Ask GM advice
Talk about Lore Videos with me in voice chats.​
>> Vote:
Voting polls will appear in the League Tavern on what I will work on first.
Your continued generosity is helping me more than you realise!!
3 € / $usd per Month
Pay Yearly: 30 EU / USD