JOIN The League... be the COMMUNITY!
If you like the Lore content and the podcast episodes then think about becoming a League Member by donating either casually or as a recurring sponsor. Your support guaranties more content will come and a faster pace. Thank you for thinking about sponsoring me through Liberapay.
Liberapay instead of Patreon ?
What is this blasphemy? Liberapay works just like Patreon, but doesn't take a large cut of the money you donate. They are a non-profit organisation with an open source platform. They only asks me to sponsor them using their own system when I am receiving sponsors.
Power to the people!​
How to Use Liberapay?
Click on the yellow button and read the 'How to Donate section'.
Click to learn more
​A way to say thank you and show support and appreciation of my content.
Project meter:
Your contribution can be added to any project meter of your choice. Send me a note with your donation.
When you donated more than 10 euro, then you gain access to the 'League Tavern' Discord channel (Read the PATRON membership). You will receive an invite.​​​
Ale all ‘round! Huzzah!!
Your support is appreciated!
10 € /month
You are the backbone of the League!
Unlocked Gold membership.​​​
Project meter: Read CASUAL membership
Access to League Tavern (chatting)
Read PATRON membership
Community - GUILD LOUNGE:
This Premium Discord channel holds treasures that can be scooped up by you:
1. BECOME A PLAYER and Shape the world:
Every month there are two session dates posted for the Salinmoor West Marshes one shots.
We allow up to 5 players / session.
Note: We try to regulate so you play monthly but no guarantees. -
The game runs with a minimum of 2 players and might have Patron members to fill up a table.
All Info about a West Marshes Sandbox will be available in the Guild Lounge.
Options for running your own HQ or even run a settlement.
We use Foundry and Pathfinder 2e.
Must have clear audio and video.
Note: Some (not all) sessions might be streamed if PCs do not mind.
2. Discuss the West Marshes world
The Lounge is the adventure guild and RP is happening in this channel even when no game is running.
3. League events:
Grab Free Ticket for other League events, if available. ​These could be other one-shots, a guest role in a hero session or a guest role on the Grey Stream podcast to name some examples.​​​​​​
Talk to me first before
sponsoring me as an Adventurer.
Pay Yearly: 100 EU or 100 USD
5 € /Month
​Welcome to the League Community!
Unlocked Silver membership.
Project meter: Read CASUAL membership
​​​Community - LEAGUE TAVERN:
Your travels bring you to the private 'League Tavern’
Permanent access, even if you drop to Casual. Discord channel: ​
Chat with likeminded people
Ask GM advice
Talk about Lore Videos with me in voice chats.​​
First Seat Choice:
​(When available!) I post free player seat tickets in the Tavern, allowing you to play with the ADVENTURER Tier Members.
Your continued generosity is helping me more than you realise!!​
Pay Yearly: 50 EU or 50 USD
40 € /month*
You leave no stone unturned to prove you are a true Hero of the Realm!
Unlocked Platinum membership. ​​​​
Access to League Tavern (chatting)
Live stream player:
Minimum commitment of 6 months.
Play in a bi-weekly 3hr game sessions.
Campaign decided with players beforehand.
We need a minimum of 3 heroes
Exclusive: a maximum of 4 heroes per session.
We use Foundry and Pathfinder 2e.
Must have clear audio and video.
Note: game will be streamed online.
Community - INNER SANCTUM:
The 'Inner Sanctum' Discord channel is where:
We discuss the party and campaign story.
Your character development is done privately however.
I spend considerable amount of time on your campaign and characters.
Stream shoutout. Introduce yourself and your own social/ creative platform before the streamed game starts. We will add a page on the website (cast/ hall of Fame) with a short bio if you want. If not, then we only add photo and name.
Talk to me first before
sponsoring me as a hero.
Pay Upfront: 240 EU/ USD
for first 6 months
Project Meters
Do you want me to to work on a certain video and can't wait? Then join The League or do a one-off donation to further a project along. Below you will see which project is inching towards completion.
Until I get a premium account, I have to update the progress bars myself but I keep all your donations in a spreadsheet so it is accurate.
Gazetteer - Dry Steppes
Gazetteer - Geoff