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Happy New Year

ngā mihi o te tau hou (happy new year in Te Reo Maori)

Summer has arrived here in Aotearoa and that means I am going on a long 5-week trip. Hopefully the weather will change from tropical storms to beautiful sunny days. I have also stopped renting my current wasn't the best. But I do not have a replacement yet (Yelp). Will figure it out.

Anyway, back to The Grey league.

I haven't had a complete stop the past weeks though. The Gazetteers take a lot of my free time and thus I have decided to prep some material for a new series. A series that I will try to streamline so as to output more and quicker. It will be about Greyhawk deities and I have gathered information for 5 deities atm, more to come. Hopefully I can get that started in February. If a specific Gazetteer gets sponsored enough through donations, I will of course halt the deities until that Gazetteer is finished.

I have also gone Full Obsidian. I love this notetaking application and will be sharing my setup in February-March as well.

I have also been converting some old dragon magazine articles into text format so I can share some wonderful content on the website as well.

Merry christmas and a Happy Gameyear everyone


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