Tēnā koutou katoa
(Greetings to you all)
For those who are new to the league and have not read my last proclamations: I am a Flemish man who moved to Aotearoa - New Zealand in 2022. That was quite the change and the channel suffered a little because of it. Safe to say my stay in Aotearoa has been life changing, but family calls us back. So, although I will miss the land of long cloud, another move it at hand. But In the meantime I am travelling southern Australia until June.
YouTube Content
While I am travelling I cannot create more videos but I am doing all the research for about 11-13 videos. Which means from July I can start boxing them in until the end of the year. It includes three gazetteers, four deities ( wee Jas, olidammara, obad Hai and Nerull), two or three about Elves (non Canon), 3 about human cultures within the Sheldomar Basin, and if I get around to it videos about dwarves in the Sheldomar.
If I can find a way to have Adobe license that is. I will need to find an alternative if not.
Website Content
Article on Hextor as used in my latest video.
I have an Elven Series running and part 3 will be out late January.
I will be posting my newest series in article form for you avid readers. About 6-8 months before the YouTube crowd gets the video version. It will be about Sheldomar human cultures. Tips to roleplay etc.
GLP - Grey League Podcast
Due to life I wasn't able to get this going in New Zealand, so it's back on the table for the second half of 2025. I have been pondering on this for several years and it is time I start easing into it.
So, what kind of Podcast you may ask?
I could be launching a West Marches campaign in Salinmoor, if there are Gold Members.
I could be launching a streamed mini-campaign (Twitch or YouTube) if there are enough platinum members of the league.
I wil be streaming some sort of Lore talk 'show' for fun (could just be me or with a guest) and perhaps when I working on something.
If there is a campaign running, then I will stream short episodes where I talk about the campaign in depth, which might be useful for some GMs.
A lot of options to stream, I still need to work it out and it won't be coming all at once either.
I think I will enjoy it and hope you will too, especially because some of these streams will allow me to connect with you guys in live streams.
Joining and sponsoring
Should you wish to sponsor my work and help me keep my software running and allow me to actually produce all the things I mentioned, then have a look at our Join the League page. Even as a casual sponsor you can influence the next content video and gets you in the discord.
I understand completely that cost of living isn't allowing you to support me or any other creator out there. There is just a tiny community of subscribers to the Grey League, so if you are regularly sharing my content on other platforms, then you are already helping more than you may realise.
Thanks for your support and blessings on your next dice rolls.
Take care
