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Streaming guidelines - beta

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

Streaming is a public affair and there have been instances on other streams, on occasion, where things went wrong because people didn’t think things through. I am seriously considering to stream my Age of Despair campaign with new players and I wrote down some things the feel like common sense.


The Guidelines

The ‘rules’ below are very thorough but do not be put off by them to play online, most is just common sense, but I need to mention them, so it is definitely clear to everyone involved. Do not hesitate to talk to me if you have any questions concerning a rule.

˜Camera and sound: To be able to participate you will need to be okay with your gorgeous face being visible to all. Sound is something that needs to be good or all roleplay will suffer for it. We will do sound checks every week because of this.

˜Avoid distractions: Avoid the use of your phone during the game unless used to send messages to another player or dm. Be fit and well rested before the stream starts, as falling asleep is a definite ‘nono’, let the DM know beforehand if you are tired. Do not be distracted by your own surroundings and be present during the game, especially in combat. It is vital you are always following along and know what you want to do when it is your turn. It will make the game more fun because game speed will rise, tension able to build up and general merriment increased.

˜Respect: Do not let disagreements escalate nor bring personal conflicts to the table but work it out before or after the stream and please inform the DM. Respect the choices of the other players even when they do things you wouldn’t do. General courtesy and common sense are key as everyone will understand. Although in play, themes such a slavery, politics and racism can be a story topic, do NOT be racist on the stream nor discuss real life politics. Also, do not smoke/ vape during the stream and in general, be respectful to everyone.

˜Role-play (IC-OOC): It is vital you understand what I am aiming for in my stream. Although we use a VTT and images, theatre of the mind is still a vital part of the game. Talking IC and OOC can be confusing, so make sure we know who is talking. This brings me to how I see a roleplay session. It's helpful that everyone stays in character as much as possible and contribute to bring (and keep!) the story alive. Few of us are actors so I am not expecting anyone to be one during a game but be inspired by people such as Critical Role and do your best to make your character present on the stage. Do not be afraid to try it out, I am doing the same and I feel awkward when I am the only one. ;-)

˜Avoid metagaming: Don't share information, in game or with other players, that you know but your character wouldn't know or incapable of sharing as a result of being unconscious, dead or far away. If you want to know if your character would know something, ask the DM via our off-stream communication channel.

˜Rules:  It is entirely possible that I, as DM, occasionally get the rules wrong. To keep combat moving and to prevent the game from dragging, I will make a ruling and we will discuss it after the stream and adjust it then. Help DM make sure the issue is addressed next time by taking note of it and discuss it with the DM after the session.

This is a beta version, so if you have any constructive feedback, leave a comment below.


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